(Family Musical)
"The Wizard of Oz" stage musical is a timeless classic based on the iconic 1939 movie, which, in turn, was inspired by L. Frank Baum's novel. This delightful production follows the adventures of Dorothy, a young girl transported to the magical land of Oz by a tornado, just like in the iconic film. With her faithful dog Toto, she embarks on a journey to find the Wizard, who can help her return home. Along the way, she meets memorable characters like the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion, each seeking something they lack. Together, they confront the Wicked Witch of the West and discover the power of friendship, courage, and the importance of home. This musical adaptation captures all the wonder and magic of the movie, featuring unforgettable songs and enchanting moments, making it a must-see theatrical experience for all ages.
"The Wizard of Oz" stage musical is a timeless classic based on the iconic 1939 movie, which, in turn, was inspired by L. Frank Baum's novel. This delightful production follows the adventures of Dorothy, a young girl transported to the magical land of Oz by a tornado, just like in the iconic film. With her faithful dog Toto, she embarks on a journey to find the Wizard, who can help her return home. Along the way, she meets memorable characters like the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion, each seeking something they lack. Together, they confront the Wicked Witch of the West and discover the power of friendship, courage, and the importance of home. This musical adaptation captures all the wonder and magic of the movie, featuring unforgettable songs and enchanting moments, making it a must-see theatrical experience for all ages.
Cast List
Dorothy Gale | Aubrey Anderson |
Aunt Em/Glinda the Good Witch | Kristin R. Atwell |
Uncle Henry/Emerald City Guard | Aidan C. Davis |
Zeke/Cowardly Lion | Samuel Johnson |
Hickory/Tinman | Eric Vorm |
Hunk/Scarecrow | Kenny Faison |
Miss Gulch/Wicked Witch of the West | Tessa N. Silvestro |
Professor Marvel/The Wizard of Oz | Brian Donohue |
Ensemble | |
John Walter | |
Brett Wood | |
Ren Smith | |
Foster Apple | |
Michael Beyrle, Jr. | |
Ymani Bailey | |
Alivia Snyder | |
Jordyn Harmon | |
Laila Holloway | |
Katie Sheldon | |
Ada Donohue | |
Julia R. Atwell | |
Jayden Holmes | |
Munchkins | Kaitlyn Robertson |
Raiden Kiesler | |
Tamlyn Hopkins | |
Arielle Ward | |
Riley Taylor | |
Mallory Kearns | |
Rebecca Vorm | |
Liam Derr | |
Sophia Vincent | |
Elam Valcarel | |
Sevy Valcarel | |
Belle Land | |
Nash Valcarel | |
Understudies | |
Dorothy Gale | Ada Donohue |
Aunt Em/ Glinda | Katie Sheldon |
Cowardly Lion | John Walter |
Tinman | Brett Wood |
Scarecrow | Ren Smith |